EN779: 2012 Classification Standards
EN779: 2012, consisting of groups G and F, consisting of the groups G, M and F, has been revised with EN779: 2012.
Filters with an average efficiency of less than 40% against particles of size 0.4 μm are called class G. The efficiency value of class G (G1 – G4) filters is expressed as “<40%” and the classification is based on the mean capture value due to the dust loading rate.
Filters with an average efficiency of 40% to 80% against particles with a size of 0.4 μm are called M (M5, M6) class and the classification yields an average yield of 0.4 μm. All other properties of the filter class, formerly known as F5 and F6, apply to M5 and M6.
Filters with an average efficiency of 80% over particles of 0.4 μm size are called F (F7-F9) class and exhibit an average yield of 0.4 μm and a minimum yield during the test, as in the case of classification.

The Eurovent certificate issued by the European Association of Ventilation and Cooling Equipment Manufacturers is an indication that the Ulpatek M and F class filters have been tested by independent testing organizations and that published product information is accurate. Apart from this document, since its establishment, Ulpatek has been producing its products under the TÜV NORD certified ISO 9001 quality standards.