Chemical Filtration
The chemical filtration media consists of pellets that absorb the polluting gases in the air by chemical reaction and does not work like filter media in other air filtration systems. The media is specially designed to neutralize specific gases. With these special media, the polluting gases are transformed into harmless in the filters. Thus, a contaminated filter can not create a hazardous condition as it does with other types of filters. These are some of the advantages of chemical filtration.
Ulpatek has effective media against various pollutant gases. In addition, after analysis for clean air and corrosion control, special media mixes can be created to suit the needs of the plants.
Chemical Filter Media

There are more than 15 media over against various gases.
• Solid Particles – 0.003 to 100 microns
1. cigarette smoke
2. powder
• Liquids & Vapors – 1 to 9 microns
1. Vapors
Solutions 2
• Gases – 0,0003 to 0,007 microns
1. hydrogen sulphide
2. chlorine
It is a process of keeping a substance on the surface of another substance. It is a physical change.
It is the penetration of one substance into another. The pollutant gas is retained by the media as a result of chemical reactions.
Some problems and solutions in industry sector:
• General corrosion control Gas types: H₂S, SO₂, CI₂, NH₃,
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion +, ULP-Bion + / Ac, ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI
2- Emission control (environmental control)
• Gas types: VOC’s, NOx, ..
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion AC, ULP- Bion +, ULP-Bion + / Ac, ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI
3- Protection of health
• Gas types: Formaldehyde, NaOH, HCl, …
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion AC Active Max, ULP-Bion + / AC, ULP-Bion Cl

Some problems and solutions in commercial sector:

1-Air cleaning (commercial area)
• Gas types: H₂S, SO₂, CI₂, NH₃,
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion +, ULP-Bion + / Ac, ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI,
2-Air cleaning (clean room, hospitals, in vitro fertilization centers)
• Gas types: Environmental pollution Media solutions:
• ULP-Bion AC, ULP-Bion +, ULP-Bion + / Ac, ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI
3- Archive and historical texture protection
• Gas types: Environmental pollution
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion AC Active Max, ULP-Bion + / AC, ULP-Bion Cl
Some problems and solutions in the public sector:
1- WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant): Odor control
• Gas types: H₂S, Mercaptan, NH₃,
• Media solutions: ULP-Bion + / AC, ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI,
2- Biogas: Desulfurization, removal of cyclones, ..
• Gas types: H₂S Media solutions:
• ULP-Biocarb KOH / KI, ULP-Bion Fe